Get your CREEP on!
YA authors, share your darkest, spine-tingling books!
With Halloween just around the corner, I thought this month would be a perfect time to share some creepy books.
Do you have a Young Adult (YA) book with some awesome creepy or spine-tingling scenes…the kind that will make readers shiver and possibly fall asleep with the light on when they’re done reading? I recently posted on Twitter about how finding YA books with a good creepy factor isn’t that easy, but I know they’re out there. Here’s your chance to let others know about your book. Post your book in the comments on this blog post on or before 9pm EST, Oct 27th (post instructions are below). Then on the Friday before Halloween (Oct 28th), I’ll post a new blog with a list of all the “creepy” books compiled in one place so readers can check out your stories. The blog post will remain “stickied”/highlighted through Oct 31.
Books will be listed in the order in which they were “commented” on in this blog post, so the sooner you post, the higher up the list your book will be. 😉 I hope you’ll join me in this fun promo opportunity for a chance to share your stories with others!
1) Your book must be a YA story (available in either eBook or print on Amazon or B&N). This opportunity is open to traditionally published as well as self-published authors. If you list a book that isn’t classified as a YA on Amazon or B&N, I will not include it. ***UPDATE: I am personally looking up each of these buy links provided in the comments. If your book isn’t listed as a YA on Amazon/B&N (with the exception of NEW YA, ie, college age protagonists–I’ll accept those, but will note it’s NEW YA when I post it) I won’t include it in the listing. This is a YA listing.
2) Does your book contain scary, creepy or spine-tingling scenes?
3) ONE book per author
In your comment, provide:
1) Author name
2) Title
3) URL link to your book on Amazon OR B&N (only one purchase link, please)
4) Two keywords to categorize your book (examples of keywords: horror, action-adventure, romance, paranormal, mystery, sci-fi). Please don’t put more than two. Only two will be posted.
5) Price
** IMPORTANT: PLEASE POST YOUR COMMENT IN THE FOLLOWING FORMAT ** To make my life easier and for consistency for potential readers scrolling down the list of books, I’ve provided an example for you below. Just copy and paste my example in the blog comment box, then replace my information with yours and hit “post comment”. It’s that easy!
P.T. Michelle | BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS | | dark-paranormal, romance | $0.99
NOTE: My blog is on moderation to combat spam. I will approve posts in batches so don’t worry that your comment didn’t go through.
I hope you’ll participate and please share this opportunity with other writing loops via Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, etc. I’d like to compile the biggest “scary/creepy/spooky YA” book listing that has ever been put together!
To show your support, you can put the GET YOUR CREEP ON banner above in your sidebar. Just paste the following code in your sidebar text “widget”:
<a href=””><img title=”YACreepLogo” src=”” alt=”” width=”250″ height=”290″ /></a>
P.T. Michelle