For those who didn’t get a chance to see the guest posts I did for the BKoD blog tour, I’ll be posting them here and on my FB page. I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about the BKoD world! π
1) LUCID – 95% of LUCID was written in a B&N cafe.
2) LUCID – Ravens really do hold funerals for their dead.
3) LUCID – When I first began brainstorming LUCID’s storyline, I thought it would be a novella. Haha, it turned into a 100K (328 page) novel! Needless to say I added a LOT more depth to the story. π
4) LUCID – Freddie/Erik and Cordelia are family names.
5) BKoD – My best friend pierced my ears the same way Lainey pierced Nara’s.
6) BKoD – Farmville REALLY is a town in Virginia. So is Barboursville.
7) BKoD – Nara and Ethan’s hometown is modeled after Charlottesville, Virginia.
8) BKoD/LUCID – Nara’s name is pronounced Nara (like car), and yes, her name came from the character Inara from Joss Whedon’s awesome show Firefly.
9) BKoD – The original working title of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS was FATE, which I decided to change to a title that had many layers of meaning related to the story.
10) BKoD – I was told that I should shelve BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS and write another book. I’m so glad I trusted my gut and didn’t give up on publishing it!