Category Archives: Brightest Kind of Darkness

Ireland & a Giveaway & Latest Reviews

Hi everyone!

I know I’ve been quiet since I’m working on my next book, but with Saint Patrick’s Day almost upon us, I wanted to share a fun Guest Blog I did over at RhiReading.


Want to see pics of Ireland and read a fun “Lucky-in-Love” story and also enter for a chance to win en eBook copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS? Then click here and read on! 🙂


“… Michelle has managed to create something rather unique and different here.  I loved her writing, the pacing, the characters, everything.  This one definitely sucked me in and held me until the end.  I’m so looking forward to the next one!…” Click here to read the entire review at Readergirl Reviews a Teen Book


“… I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I really enjoyed her book and how unique the story was right from the start. I truly love to be able to read a book that is unlike any other I have read before. To me it make for such a fun and intriguing read. There are always books out there to read about vampires, witches, werewolf’s, ect but to be able to pick one up and discover a untold story that will have you falling in love with the character’s or feeling you can’t put the book down because you just need to know what will happen to next is priceless…”  Click here to read the entire review at Bittersweet Enchantment


“…YOU GUYS! I’m about to tell you about a book that I loved! It is action-packed, the pacing is perfect, and the plot is seamless. The characters are amazing and believable, the mythology is original, and the romance is perfect. If you are one of those people that do not typically read self-published books I would say to you that this is a great place to start. If you trust my opinion, check this one out…”  Click here to read the entire review at Into the Hall of Books


“…Brightest Kind of Darkness is full of suspense, especially as Nara loses her powers. I was surprised on many occasions as the story unfolded and Michelle fills in the gaps in the story with extremely plausible, awesome explanations. Michelle has done a great job captivating her readers and I am eagerly awaiting the sequel…”  Click here to read the entire review at A Book Vacation


“… I really enjoyed the slow build of their friendship to eventually more. It felt real and natural. No insta~love and no love triangles. Ethan still has a mystery surrounding him but he is very supportive of Nara and eventually very honest as well. He didn’t drag everything out for a long length of time. They had some great butterfly worthy scenes. I’m very picky in my romances so I’m happy to say that I really enjoyed their relationship…”  Click here to read the entire review at Some Like it Paranormal

Writing Tip ~ Using Text-to-Speech with Edits & Recent Reviews


An author friend suggested that I try the Text-to-Speech feature on my Kindle when it was time for me to do a read through on my current manuscript. She said she found it really helpful. I figured I’d give it a shot. When doing edits, I normally go through at least three rounds before my critique partners ever see the book. First round is on the computer, then second round is on paper and then the third round is on my Kindle (where I upload the file to my Kindle and read it there). Doing this allows me to see my manuscript in several different ways. You’d be surprised the things you can catch using different mediums while going through edits.

So, as my last round reading over my book on my Kindle, I also turned on the Text-To-Speech feature. Notice I said ALSO. What I mean by this is, I turn on the TTS AND I read the words along with the guy reading them to me. You’d be surprised how many little things your eyes just “slip over” BUT if you’re also hearing it at the same time, you tend to catch more things beyond general typos like: repetitive words, repetitive phrases and missing words. When I do this, I turn it on the fastest function and kind of speed read through it.  Hey, another added benefit…maybe I’ll learn to read faster. LOL!

Give this a try the next time you’re going through edits on your manuscript and see if it doesn’t help. I know I’ll ALWAYS use the TTS feature now.


“The chemistry between Nara and Ethan blew me away. It’s pretty close to what I remember feeling between Mac and Barrons in Karen Marie Moning’s Shadowfever series. For that reason alone, I’d recommend the book. They get pretty steamy – without there even being any sex!” Click here to read the entire review at Never Too Fond of Books


“I liked how Brightest Kind of Darkness kept me guessing through the entire novel. Brightest Kind of Darkness sets up for the second book wonderfully as I have so many questions about Nara and Ethan” Click here to read the entire review at Vamps, Weres and Cassay


“If you’re a YA PNR lover but your bored with the mediocrity of the genre’s recent additions this will restore your faith. Brightest Kind of darkness is a well crafted paranormal romance with a refreshing and original plot, I couldn’t get enough.” Click here to read the entire review on Reads With Reckless Abandon


“Brightest kind of darkness is completely unique and original to anything else I have read before, I really loved the concept and am looking forward to the next book in the series, Lucid, so I can, hopefully, find out the answers to some burning question we’re left with at the end….” Click here to read the entire review at Bookaholics

I’m at Ilona Andrews’ blog today with a GIVEAWAY!

Hi everyone!

Just a heads up that I’m over at my buddy Ilona Andrews’ blog today. If you haven’t read Ilona and Gordon’s books, I highly recommend you check them out. Such amazing imaginations and PHENOMENAL writing!

I’ll be giving away an eBook copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS too! Even if you already have a copy, stop by and enter to win for a friend!

Hope to see you there!
