Category Archives: Brightest Kind of Darkness

Scenic Sunday & New Reviews


I haven’t posted a Scenic Sunday post in a while so I thought I’d share a couple.

This picture was taken in London, and with the exception of the mannequin on the right, it was made entirely of books and notebooks. Even the guy’s FACE and hands are an open book with pages trimmed to define his face and hands. I thought this was awesome…a true book lover’s sculpture. 🙂

This photo is untouched. The sky really was THIS pink on an early fall morning!


“… I don’t think I was prepared for how much I was going to love this book. I was expecting to like it based on the feedback I received from a few trusted bloggers but I had no idea it would consume my whole day. I was glad I decided to start it on the last day of my Christmas vacation because once I started I knew I wasn’t leaving the couch any time soon…”  Click here to read the entire review at Stalking the Bookshelves


“I think I’ve tried to write this first paragraph at least four times, but it just wouldn’t come out right. So I might as well just say it: Brightest Kind of Darkness blew my mind away! Seriously, it was so good and so full of all kinds of surprises, twists, turns and well, awesomeness, that I don’t even know where to start!..” Click here to read the entire review at Deea’s Journal


“This book was fantastic. I was literally up all night and didn’t go to bed til 9AM because I just couldn’t put this book down. P.T. did an amazing job with the characters and the whole story line. It had me hook, line, and sinker…”  Click here to read the entire review on Good Choice Reading

Thanks so much to Carrie, Deea and Raquel for the wonderful reviews!

Saying THANK YOU for a wonderful 2011!

I just wanted to take a moment to recognize all the readers who’ve talked about BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS, posted its book cover on blogs, FB pages, Twitter and who’ve LIKED and RTs BKoD news these past few months. Thank you so very much! You’ve helped make my decision to “trust my gut” and publish this story one of the best things I did in 2011! An extra big thank you goes out to readers who’ve also posted reviews for BKoD on Amazon, B&N and Goodreads as well as to their individual book blogs. Thank you for continuing to help spread the word about Ethan and Nara’s journey. I truly appreciate it!

ETHAN makes Best Book Boyfriend of 2011 Lists & a new FAB review!


(Want to see what Ethan looks like? Read an Interview from his Point of View? Click here for some fun extras from Brightest Kind of Darkness!)

Jessica’s Confessions of a Bookaholic’s Top 10 Best YA Book Boyfriends of 2011 list! 

1) Four from Divergent by Veronica Roth
2) Ethan from Brightest Kind of Darkness by P.T. Michelle
3) Harlin from A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young
4) Mirko from Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace
5) Parker from Cross My Heart by Katie Klein
6) Cal from Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
7) Aiden from Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
8 ) William from Seers of Light by Jennifer DeLucy
9) Tucker from Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
10) Hudson from Ten Things We Did by Sarah Mylnowski


Author Angeline Kace’s Top 10 Best YA Book Boyfriends of 2011 list! 

1) Beau from Vincent Boys by Abby Glines
2) Four from Divergent by Veronica Roth
3) Loki from Ascend by Amanda Hocking
4) Alexander from Alexander Death by Jenny Pox
5) Ethan from Brightest Kind of Darkness by P.T. Michelle
6) Wes from Dirty Blood by Heather Hildebrand
7) Adam from The Boys Next Door by Jennifer Echols
8 ) Fade from Enclave by Ann Aquirre
9) Eros from Destined by Jessie Harrell
10) Mirko from Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace


Also, wanted to share a FANTASTIC review BKoD just received from Beth at Ya Sisterhood!

Dark, Dreamy and Daring ~ “…Ms. Michelle’s writing is artistic. She is able to articulate so many emotions and details with her words that at times I was left breathless. So, needless to say, I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!!…” Click here to read the entire review on YA Sisterhood (Also, while you’re there reading the entire review, BE SURE TO ENTER for a chance to win one of 3 Kindle copies that will be given away from Ya Sisterhood!)