Category Archives: Ethan

DESTINY Release Celebration Giveaway!

First, I want to update everyone with buy links for DESTINY for all the major on-line stores.

DESTINY is now available at:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Smashwords

Here’s are the awesome prizes that are being offered in this giveaway that runs from 10/19 – 11/3. The rafflecopter entry form is at the bottom of the page.


A few rules for this contest. This is an expensive contest that I’m putting on for the FANs of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series. Some of the required things are things you probably already do, like LIKE my FB page or follow me on twitter. That’s FINE, just be sure to provide the information it asks for so I can verify it. The point here is…I WILL be checking entries. If an entry looks dodgy, I’ll throw it out of the random drawing for winners. Now that the disclaimers are out of the way…HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway




DESTINY release date & teaser!

What you’ve all be waiting for…Finally, DESTINY’s release date!
Please feel free to post this on your blog and share some Ethan love. 🙂

Destiny release dateDestiny, Brightest Kind of Darkness, Book 3 ~ Releasing October 15, 2013

When destiny is on the line, will love be enough to light the way?

In order to save Ethan, Nara gets pulled deeper into his dark world, where everything she thought she knew about Ethan and herself turns on its head.

Ethan and Nara turn up the heat with bone-melting seduction and heart-rending moments, but surprising revelations, lies, treachery, betrayal, and unimaginable evil will challenge their relationship and their future together.

As the stakes rise, encompassing more than just her relationship with Ethan, will Nara make the ultimate sacrifice?


For those who haven’t read the prequel ETHAN, I highly recommend that you do. I tie all my books together and there are things you learn in ETHAN that do come back full circle in DESTINY. 🙂


And don’t forget to sign up for my NEWSLETTER. You’ll get an email with the purchase link straight to your inbox as soon as DESTINY is released!

Stay tuned! More fun stuff coming up for DESTINY’s release! 🙂