Tag Archives: Contest

Super Duper December Giveaway!

Hello everyone! With the holidays just around the corner, we’re in a festive, giving away kind of mood. 🙂  We’ve got an amazing giveaway with tons of eBooks covering various ranges of romance. From Upper YA to New Adult to Super Steamy Romance, this selection of books has it all, but they also have one thing in common, Romance!  Please note some of these eBooks aren’t suitable for those under 17.  This contest will run from Dec 5 – Dec 19th. Good luck!


* For P.T. Michelle’s TY’S TEMPTATION prize: The cover depicted in the graphic is no longer available. The winner of that eBook will see the updated version below. 🙂


Enter to win 1 of the lovely Ebooks or swag prizes listed below in the Rafflecopter. There are at least 48 different kind of books to win! Come join in the fun and holiday spirit!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends December 19th at 11:59 PM EST. Open internationally. Warning: content possibly not suitable for minors under the age of 17. Prizes will be sent electronically via mail. Winner will be selected on 12/20/2013 by Random.org and be notified by email. The product offered for the giveaway is free of charge, no purchase necessary. My opinions are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation. Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are in no way associated with this giveaway. By providing your information in this form, you are providing your information to me and me alone. I do not share or sell information and will use any information only for the purpose of contacting the winner.

DESTINY Contest Winners Announced


I know you all have been impatiently waiting…so here are the winners of the DESTINY contest! THANK YOU all for participating. And I hope you’ll stick around. I always do something fun. For those who really, really wanted one of the t-shirts…I’m going to look into setting up a Cafe Press store. I promise I’ll let know when that goes live.

DESTINY Contest Winners!

Kerry Bragg Ray – Corvus Necklace

Nic Gouma – BKoD Raven T-shirt

Magen Corrie Lirette-Chambers – Ethan’s Tattoo T-shirt

Jessica Hizey Chiles – **Print Copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS with signed book plate

Jessica DeLeo Brubaker – **Print Copy of LUCID with signed book plate

Vicky Kinsey – **Print Copy of DESTINY with signed book plate

**Note: With the print books…I’m in France and my print copies are in the US. The print copy will be shipped to you and I will mail you a personalized signed book plate (to put inside your print books.

Winners: Please email me at ptATptmichelle.com with your snail mail addresses.

P.S. Prizes will be sent out within two weeks.

The bookplate looks like this…

Last day to enter DESTINY Contest & BKoD Readers Group Link

Less than 24 hours left to enter the HUGE DESTINY Contest!


DESTINY (Brightest Kind of Darkness, Book 3)
Now available in the following on-line stores:

Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Smashwords



Here’s are the awesome prizes that are being offered in this giveaway that runs from 10/19 – 11/3. The rafflecopter entry form is at the bottom of the page.


A few rules for this contest. This is an expensive contest that I’m putting on for the FANs of the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series. Some of the required things are things you probably already do, like LIKE my FB page or follow me on twitter. That’s FINE, just be sure to provide the information it asks for so I can verify it. The point here is…I WILL be checking entries. If an entry looks dodgy, I’ll throw it out of the random drawing for winners. Now that the disclaimers are out of the way…HAVE FUN and GOOD LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


As requested I’ve formed a BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS Readers Group on my P.T. Michelle FB page. If you’d like to discuss your theories about the BKoD world/ characters/ future books,etc with other readers, come join in the discussion. I’ll be there answering questions that arise as well. 🙂