Do you have a book blog? Have you read and enjoyed the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS books? Or are you new to the series? Check out some opportunities to get involved in helping promote DESTINY, book #3 in the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series! You can sign up for one or both of these promo opportunities if you wish.
First, a teaser from DESTINY! 🙂
Brightest Kind of Darkness, Book 3
When destiny is on the line, will love be enough to light the way?
In order to save Ethan, Nara gets pulled deeper into his dark world, where everything she thought she knew about Ethan and herself turns on its head.
Ethan and Nara turn up the heat with bone-melting seduction and heart-rending moments, but surprising revelations, lies, treachery, betrayal, and unimaginable evil will challenge their relationship and their future together.
As the stakes rise, encompassing more than just her relationship with Ethan, will Nara make the ultimate sacrifice?
BOOK REVIEW SIGN UP ~ If you’re interested in featuring a review for DESTINY on your book blog, please fill out the sign up form HERE.
Other books in the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series:

(Currently FREE on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Smashwords and $.99 at B&N)
* LUCID, Book 2
* ETHAN, Prequel
(Written in Ethan’s point-of-view, ETHAN is best read after Brightest Kind of Darkness)
* DESTINY, Book 3 – October 15, 2013
BOOK BLITZ SIGN UP ~ Here’s another opportunity to help spread some Ethan and DESTINY love…

Giselle of Xpresso Book Tours is featuring a Book Blitz for DESTINY! A couple excerpts or an interview can be featured on your blog along with a giveaway. Click HERE to learn more details and sign up.
Thank you in advance to signing up and helping spread the word about the BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS series!
NOTE: DESTINY is NOT the last book in the series. There will be one more book!