Tag Archives: Teaser

SCARLETT RED Teaser #2 & Release Blitz Sign up!

Smiling Young Man Standing With Arms CrossedSCARLETT RED Teaser #2 and SCARLETT RED RELEASE DAY BLITZ sign up link!
Note: SCARLETT RED is meant for readers 18+

Do you have a book blog? Would you like to help spread the word about SCARLETT RED on the day it releases? Give Me Books is hosting SCARLETT RED’s blitz. If you have a book blog and you’d like to help spread the word about SCARLETT RED’s release and review a copy of SCARLETT RED, sign up here: https://bit.ly/ScarlettRedRDB


DESIRE Teaser #1

Desire Teaser #1. Teaser #2 is now up onย  my P.T. Michelle FB page. Coming soon! April 1st! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have you added DESIRE to your Goodreads “To Read” shelf yet? Also on my FB page, there’s a review copy opportunity for DESIRE. Check it out and enter. I will choose names later on tonight and those people will get review copies the day DESIRE releases.

Add DESIRE to Goodreads

Romantic moments

DESIRE teaser coming in newsletter! Are you signed up to get it?

Have you signed up for my newsletter? It’ll be the fastest way for you to knoPTMichelleNewsletterw when DESIRE releases. My newsletter will come straight to your inbox with purchase links. I’ll be sending out a pre-release newsletter later on today and it will include another TEASER from DESIRE! You don’t want to miss it, so sign up. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click the graphic or link to sign up.ย  Note if you’re a book blogger and you want a review copy of DESIRE, go here to sign up for it.

Also, over on my Facebook page, my awesome readers came up with a name to call themselves as supporters of my books. Since almost all of my books include ravens or the word raven in them (ha, it’s true!), they came up with CORVUS CREW. I love it!

I had an artist create a fun badge. If you’d like to show your support and put it on your blog’s sidebar, feel free. Plus, it’s a pretty awesome badge. ๐Ÿ™‚


This week on my PT Michelle Facebook Page, I’m giving away a PRINT copy of DESTINY, BKoD Book 3.ย  A winner will be randomly picked this Friday!


I now have a Goodreads Readers’ Group.

I hope you’ll join and ask me questions or to just to discuss my books with other readers. Click the link above or the graphic to the left to join.

Also, have you added DESIRE, BKoD Book 4 to yDESIRE3DCoverour Goodreads To Read page yet? It’s coming very soon!ย ย  If not, here’s the link.