As promised, here are a couple of pics of the proof copy of BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS!
I’m so excited to share Ethan and Nara’s story with you in print. It’s a thick book (356 pages) and it’s coming…very soon! 🙂 Â
Also, BKoD recently received more amazing reviews. See below for what reviewers are saying about it!
Amazing Book!!! “One thing that I enjoy about books is the way the plot flows. This plot not only flowed nicely, but grabbed the reader at every turn of the page. I have never been so bombarded by literary goodness that all I could do is eat popcorn, snuggle deeply with the book and hold on for the ride!…
“…This book is amazing! Every word, every page lead me onto a higher place! I loved being taken by surprise, gasping 10 pages in, and having my heart flutter with love. If you want an book that will knock you off your feet, read this book.” Click here to read the entire review at Books With Bite
“I’ll be honest. Sometimes I’m a bit leery when heading into a self-published novel. In my defense though, they can be a mixed bag. Some might not be a great story or they might not have very good (or any) editing. But this one was fantastic. I’m so happy that Patrice provided me with a review copy for this because I enjoyed it a lot!…” Click here to read the entire review at I’m Loving BooksÂ
“…If you like paranormal this is a must read, even if it’s a YA. If you like YA there is no doubt in my mind that you will love it. This is a clever and well-presented story, although it can be a little hard to follow sometimes, but it is worth the effort. Brightest Kind Of Darkness will make you feel a whole range of emotions. It will make you wonder if you really own your destiny and about what you are willing to sacrifice for those around you. I spent the last two days pondering those questions and some others, so this was definitely a though-provoking and intriguing story.” Click here to read the entire review at Romance Around the Corner
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