Tag Archives: Upcoming

All PRE-ORDER links for SCARLETT RED are now live!

Here are all the PRE-ORDER links for SCARLETT RED (In the Shadows, Part 2) – Pre-Order Now! Be sure to GRAB IT WHILE IT’S ON SALE FOR JUST $.99! The price will go up to $3.99 not long after it officially releases on 9/23. 

Officially releasing on Sept 23, 2014 but you can Pre-Order now. Grab it while it’s on SALE and tell your reader friends about the sale too! AmazoniBooks |B&N | Kobo

Add SCARLETT RED to Goodreads  

Below I’m attaching all the teasers I’ve posted so far. Feel free to grab a teaser and share it on your blog/FB page, where ever you like!

A summary and teasers for SCARLETT RED are below. Feel free to grab and share on your blog or FB page. :)Scarlett Red Blurb

Scarlett Red Teaser #1 Scarlett Redyoung business man

Scarlett Red’s PRE-ORDER link is now live!

Scarlett RedSCARLETT RED’s pre-order link is now live on Amazon.com and all the other Amazon sites. When iTunes, B&N and Kobo have live links, I’ll be sure to post them as well.  Enjoy the new teaser above and be sure to grab up your copy of SCARLETT RED while you can. It’s on SALE during the pre-order time for just $.99. And be sure to tell your reader friends to do the same with both SCARLETT RED and MISTER BLACK! 🙂